Japanese clothes for everyday wear WEAR 2.5 - Column list
We also introduce the points to wear kimono as casual clothes!
What is “sustainable” in sustainable fashion? Men's and women's kimono remake brand
Sustainable fashion refers to clothing that is sustainable and the consumption behavior of choosing it. Then, do you know the meaning of “sustainable” in sustainable fashion? Here, we will introduce the meaning of the word sustainable and how to get involved in sustainability that is not limited to brands and companies.
What is the background to sustainable fashion? Women's clothes from kimono remake
Many people must have heard the word sustainable fashion at least once. In this article, we will consider the background of the focus on sustainable fashion, and also introduce the relationship between clothes and sustainability. Let's take the first step towards sustainability starting with clothing selection.
How do you relate to sustainable fashion? Sustainable products that can be selected by mail order
Now that sustainable fashion is drawing attention, many brands are making sustainable efforts. Purchasing sustainable products is one of the actions we can take. Here, we will introduce how consumers can consider sustainable clothing and how they are involved in sustainable fashion.
Practicing sustainable fashion Selection of remake apparel brands
With the adoption of the SDGs at the United Nations, the term sustainable fashion has become more common. However, even if you actually want to work on it, you may not know where to start. Here, we will explain how to practice sustainable fashion and points for product selection.
What are the summer trends for men's casual outfits? Recommended outfits for people in their 20s and 30s
In order to wear men's casual outfits, it is important to incorporate trends well. In particular, men's outfits in summer cannot be covered with outerwear such as coats, unlike in winter. Here, we will introduce trend-conscious casual outfits for men in their 20s and 30s who want to dress up in summer clothes.
Men's Casual Coordination Key points to conquer summer and autumn
A sense of the season is important for men's casual outfits. Especially when summer changes to autumn, fashion coordination changes drastically, so many people seem to worry about how to wear it. Here, we will explain the points of dressing for men's casual outfits in summer and autumn.
What is the point of wearing men's casual outfit? Kimono remake brands that can be selected by mail order
Casual coordination is a category that many people pay attention to in men's fashion. More and more people are using online shopping to purchase casual wear from men's brands, making it more accessible. Here, I will explain the points that you should know when incorporating casual outfits.
Kimono and Japanese clothes haori that you want to incorporate into men's casual coordination
There are many magazines and brands that suggest casual coordination, and it is a category that attracts a lot of attention even among men's fashion. Recently, more and more people are using kimonos to create a casual and fashionable look. In particular, haori is easy to arrange for modern men's casual wear, and you can enjoy the unique atmosphere of Japanese clothes.
What is casual kimono? Coats and jackets transformed from Japanese clothes
Opportunities to see young people wearing kimono casually on the street have increased. At first glance, kimonos tend to have the image of being difficult to wear, but I often hear people say that they were surprisingly easy to wear once they tried it on. So here, I will explain about kimono that can be used casually.
Coordination techniques for wearing kimonos casually Kimonos that can be used as shirts and skirts
Kimono casual clothes are getting a lot of attention these days. Kimono casual coordination can be enjoyed in various ways, such as remaking a kimono into a shirt or skirt, or adding accessories to a kimono. Here, we will explain recommended coordination techniques and how to match accessories for those who want to enjoy kimono casual.
What are the points to make a kimono look casual and fashionable?
Many people want to wear a kimono casually but don't know how to coordinate it. Therefore, here we will introduce how to easily coordinate kimono and how to remake kimono fabric into everyday clothes. Let's enjoy kimono coordination by dressing in your own way.
Men's and women's fashion points to make kimono casual
There are many people who want to wear a kimono casually, but do not know how to match it well. Mistakes are inevitable in fashion, but coordinating a kimono isn't that difficult once you learn the tricks. Here, I will explain the points when WEAR 2.5 incorporates Japanese elements into clothes.
Japanese clothes for everyday wear How to choose and attractive kimonos that are useful for both men and women
More and more people are wearing kimono as their everyday wear, but since kimonos have different rules than western clothes, it is useful to have a minimum of knowledge about kimonos. Here, WEAR 2.5, which sells remade kimono items, will explain the points when choosing a kimono, and the charm and advantages of a kimono that are not found in other clothes.
[Kimono] What is the recommended kimono and material for everyday wear? Brand mail order explains
Many people think that taking care of Japanese clothes is difficult even if they want to wear them as everyday clothes, but if you choose the wrong clothes, it is almost the same as taking care of clothes. Here, we will explain the types of kimonos you want to incorporate into your everyday wear, their characteristics, and the recommended materials for your daily wear.
Recommended Japanese clothing brands for people in their 20s and 30s
Even if you want to wear Japanese clothes for everyday wear, there are probably some people who do not know what kind of kimono they should wear. If you want to wear Japanese clothes casually like western clothes, why not start with a cotton kimono? Here, we will introduce the characteristics of cotton kimonos and recommended destinations for casual kimonos.
What are the points to keep in mind when wearing kimono for everyday wear? There are many types if you arrange remakes
Kimono can be used not only for everyday wear, but also can be remade into accessories and clothes. Kimonos are timeless and have many advantages such as being able to hide your figure, but there are some points to be aware of. Here, WEAR 2.5 introduces points to note when using kimono as everyday wear, and the benefits of kimono remake items.
Supporting sustainable fashion About WEAR 2.5

We are developing items that remake kimono that can no longer be worn. Basically everything is one piece. Find your favourite.
There are also original items using dead stock fabrics. Carefully made at a kimono sewing factory in Japan.

Through our business activities, we aim to contribute to the sustainable development of society and the earth. Its values are consistent with the goals of the SDGs (*1).
*1 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)
The new Sustainable Development Goals for 2030, which were adopted at the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit in September 2015 with the participation of more than 150 leaders, consist of 17 goals and 169 targets. increase.
A brand that creates Japanese clothes for everyday wear
WEAR 2.5
A modern “new kimono” that connects the kanginu (Japanese clothes) and shiroi (clothes).
shop's name | WEAR 2.5 WEB STORE |
Representative responsible person | Naoya Chiba |
location | 〒181-0013 3-23-7-404 Shimorenjaku, Mitaka City, Tokyo |
phone number | 0422 (69) 3406 |
email address | wear_2.5@sen-noji.com |
others | Antique Dealer: Tokyo Metropolitan Public Safety Commission No. 308932015821 |
Necessary charges other than product price | Consumption tax, shipping fee, settlement fee (included in product price) |
payment method |
time of payment | Payment will be confirmed when the product is ordered. |
Product delivery time | We will ship within 7 business days from the date of your order. |
About returns and cancellations | Returns and exchanges are possible only within 10 days after the product arrives. (Limited to unused ones) |